What doctors are saying about Expert Radiology...

 "It's refreshing to have a radiologist that is easy to work with and someone that's good at what they do.  It's also nice to have someone who returns your phone calls in a timely fashion."
Dr. Greg Brown


With Expert Radiology, you will receive the following...

  • Online Digital Access - Your digital images can be sent directly to us via a secure VPN connection. Call for further details.

  • Fastest Turn-Around - Diagnostic imaging reports can be emailed (digital copy) or faxed within 24 hours.  Wet-reads can provide instant information in emergency cases.

  • Free PI & Attorney Billing Service

  • Cost-Effective Pricing Plans - Some offices would rather be billed directly on a case-by-case or monthly basis.  You decide the level of services for your company.  We will come up with the best pricing plan to suit your needs. 

  • Decreased Doctor's Liability - Expert Radiology allows you to do what you do best...treating patients and running a successful chiropractic practice!  Don't miss another diagnosis...we give you peace of mind at the end of every day!  Make the choice to use a professional and highly qualified radiologist in your own profession to provide your patients with the best possible care.

  • Peace of Mind - Your x-rays are in good hands with Expert Radiology. Dr. Cantu is a Board Certified Chiropractic Radiologist (DACBR) with over 20 years of professional practice experience. 

  • Accurate, independent documentation

  • Personal, direct access to an expert in the field of radiology and chiropractic

  • Enhanced professional perception of your office Patients will appreciate your use of a specialist. Especially when YOU are the only one that found their diagnosis!

  • Advice on radiographic quality control
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"For the Benefit of the Patient and for Your Peace of Mind"
Joe A. Cantu, D.C., D.A.C.B.R.
1911 Commonwealth Drive
Charlottesville, VA  22901
  • Fastest Turn-around 
  • Cost-Effective Pricing Plans
  • Decreased Doctor's Liability 
  • Peace of Mind
  • CALL NOW 434.295.4367